Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Animal Guide Readings for each sign of the zodiac for the month of May 2010

Hey everyone!

This is a new exciting project I have started. I have done single Animal Guide Readings for each sign of the zodiac for the month of May 2010. Remember, this is not astrology. These are mini-readings, or should I say ‘channelings’ I have done for everyone. These are not any one person specific, but a message to each sign of the zodiac.


Snake: The Snake is an animal born of ancient fire from the beginning of time, a sign of constant transformation. When the snake has slithered its way into your life, expect change. Snake represents some of the deepest wisdom we could ever attain; as he slithers through your life he brings to you a gift of clarity so you may see the transformations taking place.


Badger: When Badger has crawled into your life it is time to learn the balance and difference between aggression and drive. When badger sets its mind to something, nothing can stop it. This is where badger has to choose to move forward fearlessly, or tear everything apart in its path. Remember the hearts of others as you move forward into your life.


Hawk: When the Hawk has flown into your life it is time to open your eyes. Hawk is the messenger of the universe. Hawk also brings us inspiration and clarity of purpose. She sees the whole picture of life, helping us to discern the road blocks we have created so we can again have the freedom of flight.


Spider: When Spider weaves herself into your life, she is saying “it is time to create.” Spider is the weaver of time and fate. She shows us that we are the weavers of our own fate. Remember to open your eyes and see like the spider: she sees in all directions, so no opportunity can ever passed by.


Jaguar: When Jaguar walks into one’s life he brings a message of personal integrity, teaching us to embrace forgiveness of one’s self and of others. He also brings the gift of compassion and honesty. These are all gifts that Jaguar brings so we may reevaluate our life path in all truth and honesty so we may see the direction we are met for.


Mouse: As Mouse scurries through your life, she feels everything with her whiskers. Nothing goes undiscovered or untouched. When mouse comes into your life she is telling you to pay close attention to your life, that nothing is left untouched. She also reminds you to live in the in the present moment, that way if there is a mouse trap ahead you can surely avoid it.


Frog: Frog has hopped into your life to remind you to slow down; it is time to cleanse, and a time to remember who we are. The frog sings the rain song, bringing down the rains to cleanse our souls. It is time to rid yourself of all distractions so the cleansing that you so need can flow over your soul. This is a time of renewal, so you can spring forward into your life.


Raven: As raven flies into your life, she brings a message from the Great Spirit; an awakening, a change in consciousness akin to an epiphany. This is a time to face your inner fears, to see life in all honesty, peering into our deepest shadows and seeing our brightest light. It is time to face who we are, what we have become, and who we will design ourselves to be.


Squirrel: Squirrel scurries into your life bringing two messages: of unloading your soul and your life of all the excess you have gathered. At times we fill voids we have created in life with “stuff”. Sometimes what we call stuff are people, and at times they are things. When we fill our life in so much with “stuff” we leave our soul no room to grow. This is a wake up call to unload, to prepare for a new season of life; a change is coming towards you.


Moose: Moose people carry a deep wisdom akin to the grandfather warrior. The moose always knows when to be gentile and when to be stern. When moose has come into your life she is here to teach you to find a balance of your emotions. As the moose move steadily along, so does life. She tells you not to worry, because accomplishments are coming your way.


Whale: Whales are the record keepers of the Earth. They help us to remember who we are. As they sing their songs deep in the waters, we listen. They help us to unlock the secrets hidden with our soul. Our life purpose comes to the forefront of our mind and all the questions of what we have been hunting for become clear.


Lynx: When Lynx has pounced into your life, be sure there are secrets within your life. Weather these are secrets that you are keeping or secrets others keep, understand where secrets lie, honesty soon fallows. The Lynx also helps us to understand which secrets are sacred, for those are the ones we keep. For when we break the trust of another, our secrets come unraveled around us.

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